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Showing posts from September, 2018

Sunday Evening Prayer Vigil with Ministerial Intern Donna Starr, RScP, 7 pm, Sunday, September 30, Waggoner Hall

Photo by David Kovalenko on Unsplash Come sit in the stillness of prayer and meditation. Listen to the stirrings of your heart. Receive the healing balm of affirmative prayer. Ministerial intern Donna Starr creates the sacred space for this Sunday evening prayer vigil, come as you are, knowing that you are seen and welcome. The stillness begins at 7 pm in Waggoner Hall, North Wing.

"For the Love of God," Sunday Evening Exploration with Elias Owens RScP, 7 pm, Sunday, September 23

Enjoy an evening of mystical conversation about the direct experience of a love affair with the Divine. We will read and discuss the devotional poetry of Rumi, Hafiz, and others, as well as our own experience of meeting and dancing with the Divine Beloved. In our new Sunday Evening format, those who attend have the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings about what is alive in them, being seen, heard and valued for what they bring. All are welcome. The gathering begins at 7 pm in Room 11, the North Wing.

"Let's Talk about Time" with Ministerial Intern Siota Belle, 7 pm, Sunday, September 16

Can we know it as an indication of Spirit's presence? What does the movement of Time in your life mean to you? Ministerial Intern Siota Belle leads the conversation about time. All are welcome, 7 pm, Room 11, North Wing.

"What about Divine Ideas?" A Sunday Evening Exploration with Rev. Tara Steele, 7 pm, Sunday, September 9

Photo by Will Swann on Unsplash The topic for Sunday, September 9, is "Divine Ideas." There are the morning talks, an afternoon workshop, and at the Sunday Evening Exploration, an opportunity to talk about what caught your attention, your perspective is, questions that remain. Rev. Tara Steele facilitates a conversation which begins at 7 pm in Room 11, North Wing. All are welcome, whether or not you were at Sunday morning service, whether you are new or not so new to the Science of Mind teaching. Let's explore together in a casual setting where all are welcome.